
Understanding Generation Z


In recent times the realities of massive generational change have dawned on business leaders. While the issues of an ageing population and a new attitude to work have been emerging for some time, for many organisations it has been a sudden awakening

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Understanding Generation Z

Recruiting, training and leading the next generation

In recent times the realities of massive generational change have dawned on business leaders. While the issues of an ageing population and a new attitude to work have been emerging for some time, for many organisations it has been a sudden awakening.

Dealing with these demographic changes and specifically how to recruit, retain and manage Gen Z has become one of the biggest issues facing employers today.


Generation Z report











Topics covered in this report:

  • Generations; who and why
  • Generation Z – myths busted
  • The five defining traits of Gen Z
  • The five big shifts
  • Attracting, recruiting and retaining Gen Z
  • The engagement equation
  • Developing an engagement strategy – the top 5
  • From managing staff to developing leaders
  • Beyond Gen Z; meet Generation Alpha

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Generation Z Infographic

Drawing on the insights from our new Generations Defined report, this infographic on Generation Z includes data on, their population and workforce participation, top hopes & fears, qualities they value in leaders.