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National Surveys


Frequently asked questions

  • What is a national survey?
    Simply put, a national survey is when we ask the nation a series of questions in an online survey.
  • How many questions do I have to do?
    You can choose how long your survey is based on the number of questions you need to ask. We have a minimum survey length of 3-minutes which is about 5-7 questions, depending on how complex your questions are.
  • Are the demographic opening questions included?
    Yes, we include the demographic opening questions at no cost. They are part of the 3-minute minimum survey length.
  • How long is the survey?
    The survey length can range from just a 3-minutes to a 15 minute survey, pending on how many questions and topics you want to explore.
  • What is the longest survey you recommend?
    15 minutes. After this, respondents get survey fatigue and data quality drops.
  • How is the data cleaned and checked for quality responses?
    The data collected is reviewed internally for quality responses and provides you with reliable data for making important decisions. For example, any survey speeders (people who just click through the survey quickly and finish a 3-minute survey in 45 seconds) are removed from not only the survey, but from the panels we use based on the time it takes them to do the survey.
  • What topics can I ask about?
    We’ve done studies on coffee consumption, possible book cover images (which helped the author win an award for their book cover design!), fundraising tag lines, likelihood to purchase a product in the future, attitude towards house prices and much more!
  • How many people will take the survey?
    We recommend a nationally representative survey of 1,000 people as a minimum to give you national insights. This can be extended to 2,000 people if you want to get more specific insights on states or generations, however it does increase the cost of sampling but the benefit is the more nuanced insights by geography and generation. We’ll guide you to the right sampling to suit your objectives and budget. We manage the respondents using one of our panel providers to target and incentivise respondents.
  • Can I repeat the survey questions later on to measure changes over time?
    Yes, definitely. We can deploy the whole survey again, or just a handful of key questions as needed if a crisis or key opportunity needs to be explored and measured. We can design a ‘pulse study’ where you get a package of 3 surveys within a defined time period. The benefit is that the surveys get cheaper to run after the initial survey design is completed. You only pay for the responses, organisation of the collection processes and cleaning of the data. You’ll get the most cost effective approach when you do package approach such as a pulses over 12 months.
  • How will you deliver my results?
    The deliverables for an omnibus study can suit your needs, budget and timeframes. You will always get the results as raw data files. It’s your data, so you’ll get the spreadsheets for ongoing use within your organisation. Plus, we can provide a range of deliverables such as comprehensive or summary reports, presentation slides or an A5 double-sided infographic of key insights. We can provide a spokesperson to act as a campaign media commentator to share key insights on behalf of your brand.
  • Once I’ve got the raw data, what else could McCrindle do with the data?
    We can help produce a range of visual outputs and insights reports including: - We could produce our signature McCrindle thought leadership summary report using insights in a visual format, often ranging from 12-20-pages in length. - An A4 infographic, perfect for digital communication in this visual age - We can also turn an A4 infographic into a range of social media tiles - We can analyse the results in a summary or comprehensive report - We could help turn insights from the study into a press release for you - We can also provide media commentary by one of our five media commentators – this is our range of professional speakers who regularly feature in print and digital media as well as on radio and television.
  • Can I ask questions to help us get data to use in a press release?
    Yes, absolutely! We can help you gather thought leadership insights that will position your brand as leaders in your industry. We can help gather data on the prevalence of the issue you are solving as well perceptions, attitudes and future sentiment towards the issues you are facing. The goal is to gather media-generating statistics in a reliable and robust manner. Hopefully these help grow your brand’s awareness when communicated visually in a way that is shareable like our infographics and animated videos. We can help collect, analyse and visualise data to help you grow your brand.
  • How much does it cost?
    The price varies depending on the survey length, sample size and range of outputs. To join one of our omnibus surveys the cost per question is $1,000 per question. Please get in touch to get a quote and discuss your needs with one of our solution design team.

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