
Brand Tracking Studies


Frequently asked questions

  • What is a brand tracking study?
    A brand tracking study involves an online survey of the general population to find out how many people have heard of your brand (awareness) and what they think about your brand (perceptions). We also explore future sentiment to giving, getting involved and promoting your brand.
  • How long is the survey?
    The survey length can range from just a handful of questions to a 15 minute survey, pending on how many questions and topics you want to explore. Extra questions you might want to include are campaign tag lines, visual assets for fundraising as well as key messages.
  • Who should I get to take the survey?
    We recommend a nationally representative survey of 1,000 people as a minimum to give you national insights. This can be extended to 2,000 people if you want to get more specific insights on states/generations, however it does increase the cost of sampling. The benefit is the more nuanced insights by geography and generation. We’ll guide you to the right sampling to suit your objectives and budget. We manage the respondents using one of our panel providers to target and incentivise respondents.
  • Can I use the same survey of the general population with our supporters?
    Yes, there are sections of the brand tracking survey that can also be distributed to your community of supporters or customers. We will help you share a custom survey to your database and audiences to capture brand insights from your supporters, plus we can add more questions uniquely designed for your supporters to give you a holistic view of what is happening within your community. The comparison between your supporters and the general public will give you clear measures that will shape your upcoming communication, marketing and fundraising strategies and tactics. The best strategies and decisions draw on internal and external brand data. We are here to help you do this!
  • How often should I measure our brand’s health?
    Usually we recommend an detailed brand study every year to track emerging issues over time. We can also deploy a handful of key questions as needed if a crisis or key opportunity needs to be explored and measured. You’ll get the most cost effective approach when you do a longitudinal approach such as a 3 year brand study plus it’ll be the most helpful for your organisation to monitor changes over time.
  • How will you deliver my results?
    The deliverables for a brand tracking study can suit your needs, budget and timeframes. You will always get the results of the brand tracking study as raw data results. It’s your data, so you’ll get the spreadsheets for ongoing use within your organisation. Plus, we can provide a range of deliverables such as comprehensive or summary reports, presentation slides or an A5 double-sided infographic of key insights which is ideal for helping board members or leadership teams get the data quickly.
  • How long will a brand tracking study take?
    If we do a 5 minute online survey with just raw data outputs, it usually only takes 3-4 weeks from project sign off to delivering your raw data results. If you select a 10-minute survey plus a supporter survey with a comprehensive report and an infographic then the timeframe is around 10 weeks.
  • What are the benefits of a brand tracking study?
    The benefits include having a baseline measure of awareness and brand strengths, perceptions and sentiment to track over time. We can explore more than just overall brand awareness and recommend a focus on measuring an understanding on your key service offerings and how you positively impact society. You’ll get clear metrics that you can test again to see how campaigns or crisis issues affect your brand’s awareness and perception. The results will show you generational insights which will help futureproof your organisation. The message testing of taglines, visuals and campaign ideas will help you know what messages to prioritise to the segments of your target audience.
  • Can I ask questions to help us get data to use in a press release?
    Yes, absolutely! We can help you gather thought leadership insights that will position your brand as leaders in your cause. We can help gather data on the prevalence of the issue you are solving as well perceptions, attitudes and future sentiment towards the issues you are facing. The goal is to gather media-generating statistics in a reliable and robust manner. These help grow your awareness when communicated visually in a way that is shareable like our infographics and animated videos. We can help collect, analyse and visualise data to help you grow your brand.
  • How much does it cost?
    The price varies depending on the survey length, sample size and range of outputs you are interested to receive. Please get in touch to get a quote and discuss your needs with one of our solution design team.

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